Our help is in the name of the Lord.
(Response) Who made Heaven and earth.
Let us pray, O God, Creator of the Heavens and earth, You who are the unconquerable, invincible, and ever-glorious King over all, humbly and fearfully do we beseech You to pour down upon us the sweetness of your favor, blessing and mercy, so that we might know the consolation and liberating power of the Cross of your Son, Jesus Christ.
By the sacred and glorious wood of the life-giving Cross, your Son, Jesus Christ overcame the ravaging cruelty of the evil one, conquered sin and death, healed the infirmity of our souls, and made known your loving mercy.
In this season, in which we celebrate the glorious resurrection of your Son, we make appeal to your compassion and mercy through the wood of this cross, which has become for us the new tree of life and fountain of divine mercy.
By the grace of your holy cross, make your Holy Spirit present to us and grant us true repentance for our sins and conversion of heart so that we might know the fullness of your love and entrust our lives, our homes, and our work places, completely to You who are the Author and sustainer of all life and the source of every good blessing. We place our trust in You that we might draw life, healing, and protection from the cross of your Son, Jesus Christ, as we entrust ourselves and the City of _______________ to your mercy. Mary, mother of our divine Savior, and all saints of Heaven, pray for us.
Almighty and everlasting God, we humbly implore Thee, in your immeasurable kindness and love, to shine with favor upon all who live, work, and interact in the City of _______________. Sanctify this city by the dew of your divine love, so that, through the invocation of your holy name, we might know your protection from the spread of the Covid 19 Coronavirus and from every harm and assault of evil.
Halt the spread of this disease; restore the sick to health; protect and strengthen all who care for the sick; give wisdom to our leaders of government; restore our prosperity, grant us your peace, and help everyone to cooperate with the efforts necessary for our health and safety.
May every home, office, business, restaurant, store, and establishment that displays and honors your holy cross be protected from this pandemic and its ill effects. O Lord, Jesus Christ, may your peace and mercy inhabit this city and banish from it all wickedness and spirits of evil. Send your holy angels to guard and watch over our city that we might be preserved in health of body and soul.
O cross of Christ save us, drive away this illness and its ill effects from the City of _______________ that we might praise your glorious and wondrous name! City of _______________, behold the Cross of the Lord on which was won your salvation. (pray the Our Father and Memorare)
May the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, Son + and of the Holy Spirit descend upon you, protect you from all harm, and abide with you forever. R. Amen.