“Modesty protects the mystery of persons and their love.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church, par. 2522
At Fatima, the Blessed Virgin Mary warned that “Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much.” And she also issued a direct warning to women, saying: “Woe to women lacking in modesty.” And also: “Let men avoid greed, lies, envy, blasphemy, impurity.” “More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason,” she later told Jacinta.
A Catholic View of Shame and Modesty
Catechism of the Catholic Church, par. 2521
A Christian “should be careful not to underestimate the dangers
and spiritual ruin spread by immodest fashions,
especially those worn in public.” ~Pope Pius XII
Is There a Dress Code for Mass?
“Modesty… means refusing to unveil what should remain hidden.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church, par. 2521
Why Modesty in Dress (and Especially at Mass) is Important
“We like seeing you in church — just not so much of you.”
“Modesty protects the intimate center of the person…”
Catechism of the Catholic church, par. 2521
To Inspire Love, an analysis by Edward Sri of Blessed John Paul II’s book, Love and Responsibility.
“Clothing has its own… language…
Clothing expresses joy and sorrow, authority and power,
pride and simplicity, wealth and poverty,
the sacred and the profane.” Pope Pius XII
PureFashion.com – a celebration of style and virtue
Teen Essays on the Theology of the Body
- “A New and Improved View Towards Women,” by Michael Buysse (age 18)
- “Men as Brothers” by Anna Vandegrift (age 17)
- “TOTB for Teens,” How it has Changed my Life for the Better,” by Logan Thompson (age 18)
- “Touched by Truth,” by Katie Browne (age 17)
Catechism of the Catholic Church, par. 2521
The Catechism of the Catholic Church on Modesty
“Modesty… is ordered to chastity…”
Catechism of the Catholic church, par. 2521
“Appearance arouses desire in fools.” Wisdom 15:5
Ruah Woods, in Cincinnati, provides a variety of resources on Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, par. 2523