FreeStore FoodBank and SafetyNet Alliance Partner
- Serving the community of Dayton for 30 years and Bellevue for 9 years
- Over 750 registered families of Dayton and Bellevue Ky.
- Provide Food for an average of 400 families a month, 1300 individuals
- Completely volunteer staff of 17 workers
- Annual budget of $80,000
Contact us: Norb Hehman, Executive Director emeritus
Dennis Daniel Afternoon Director
Mary Kaisor Morning Director
Phone # 859-291-4393
MISSION STATEMENT: Providing a Caring Providential Presence Serving the Hungry and Needy of Bellevue and Dayton Kentucky
Location: 401 Berry St. Dayton, Ky.
Hours of Operation: Monday 10 -12 and 2 – 4 p.m.
Thursday 10 -12 and 2 -4 p.m.
Registration: Please bring a photo I.D. and a current piece of mail or lease.
Also have a list of individuals living in your household, their ages and birth dates.
After registration you can come once a month on any Monday or Thursday.
Please bring your photo I.D.!
We offer a box of food once a month to our registered families. A box typically contains:

Sister Maddalena Guidugli CDP Founder/Director 1986-2011
2 cans of soup
2-3 cans of vegetables
1 can of pasta sauce
1 can ravioli
1 can of tuna
1 can of beans
1 can of fruit
1 box of cereal
2 boxes of mac and cheese
2 pkgs. Of Ramon noodles
1 pkg. of spaghetti pasta
1 bag of rice
1 pkg. of pancake or cornbread mix
1 jar of peanut butter
1 box of crackers
2 frozen meats and a pizza
2 rolls of toilet paper
(Bread, Bakery Goods, sweet snacks and Fresh Produce when available)
Other items you may request:
Personal hygiene (soap, body wash, toothpaste…etc.), laundry soap, dishwashing liquid
diapers/wipes, baby food, formula, cleaning supplies, paper towels
*Extra Christmas box with Ham in December